Our Federation
The Bridge Federation
Welcome to the Bridge Federation website. We are two, rural primary schools who have a long tradition of working together. As times change, this has now become a more formal arrangement through our federation agreement. We know that as well as sharing a Christian ethos, we also share a passion for education, giving children the best possible opportunities to develop and grow as learners and as future citizens. The bridge in our logo is not only the real brick bridge in Bodiam, on the road between the two schools, but also represents the strong link between the two schools. We are looking to the future, building people for a better world.
Our Vision
Whilst maintaining the unique character of each school, our shared vision is for children to leave school well prepared for the challenges ahead in the wider world. Through the provision of an outstanding curriculum and with an inclusive approach in the context of strong Christian values, we expect our children to have:
Respect, tolerance and understanding of the values and beliefs of those around them.
Good Literacy and Numeracy skills and, most importantly, an open approach to learning in order that they are well equipped to embrace the ever changing technology of the 21st Century.
A creative approach to their learning; being able to apply the skills and knowledge they have absorbed from Reception to Year 6, but also having the ability to think divergently, with a problem solving approach to new areas of learning.
We recognise that this is a shared journey in partnership with parents and carers. We know that building strong emotional literacy from the first day that children begin school is an integral part of our role. Our job is to harness the innate curiosity and creativeness of our children, through a meticulous, but flexible curriculum design. Excellent teaching provides our pupils with opportunities to question, wonder and engage with the tremendous breadth of the world around them.